Alright guys… unless you’re a lady or a father raising a teenage girl alone. You may want to wait for our next article to get schooled on some ladies truth.
History of the Menstrual Cup
This is another one of those awkward posts that just has to be addressed because it really is that IMPORTANT. You can read my other awkward post about a mommas scent journey here.
The menstrual cup has shockingly been around since the late 19th century. But it wasn’t until 1937 that a device was created that was both comfortable and practical to use. However, with World War II the production of rubber was drastically slowed down. Not to mention women’s bodies and sexuality in general, were a taboo subject, so touching your vagina was unthinkable for the majority of “proper” women.

The 1980s brought about closure of the cups production altogether due to women’s modesty. Disposable tampons and feminine napkins continued to grow in popularity among women.
Until the 2000’s when the introduction of medical-grade silicone came to be. Silicone that was flexible, soft, bacteria resistant and hypoallergenic. All of this made the cup easier to fold and insert and it began making a silent come back.
Why it’s important!
Unless you are purchasing organic feminine products, chances are the napkins and tampons you are using have so many toxins in them!
Did you know that just a few of the toxic ingredients found in tampons today include aluminum, alcohol, fragrance additives and hydrocarbons. Yet, worst of all, tampon bleaching processes leave behind dioxin. Which is commonly linked to the cause of endometriosis.
Have you ever noticed at the close of your cycle, you have some discomfort…down there? If your answer is yes. Chances are it’s due to the disposable product you’ve been using. But again, the marketing is so strong on some feminine products that it took me years to finally TRY a ladies cup!
And after that first intimidating experience…… I’ve never looked back once.
Will you be brave enough to eliminate one more toxin from you life to be a healthy momma, and try this handy device?
Or perhaps you have been using one already? If so, be sure to share with your momma friends the hidden toxin in their life. Chances are they have not even considered they are using something bad for them every month. Why? Because it’s just truly a necessity.
Be the change you want to see in the World today!
Try this feminine cup today!
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