Elderberry for Sale?
What is an elderberry EXACTLY?
Who is this RANDOM person trying to sell me a berry from the wild on FB marketplace?
My doctor has never given me an elderberry RX, WHY should I trust this random person who picked a berry from the woods, cooked it, and is now trying to sell it to me.
TELL me, WHY should I drink this mysterious black liquid?!
Upper respiratory symptoms are usually treated with over the counter drugs, antibiotics, and antiviral medications. Due to RISING concerns about safety and efficacy, more and more people are demanding an alternative solution. Guess what? There has been an alternative solution ALL ALONG……
Nature made so many different ways to treat common ailments!

According to pubmed, Elderberries have been used traditionally, to boost the immune system and in some observational and clinical studies, as supportive agents against the common cold and influenza, or for recuperation of viruses.
Elderberry is also thought to reduce inflammation as well but not as many studies have been done on this.
Please only use a trusted resource and buy it locally if you dare, or you can even buy it in your local pharmacy under the name of SAMBUCOL by Natures Way. You can buy some HERE
1.Elderberry use within 24 hours of flu diagnosis is considered to reduce flu symptoms with 2-4 days.
PROTIP: If I RX tamiflu to your family, the reduction of flu symptoms occurs within 2-4 days!!!!!! SHOCKING, RIGHT?
2. Elderberry use within 5-10 days of overseas air travel
PROTIP: The studies on this show its debated if the change in climate/shared cabin air will help prevent a cold from occurring but it will definitely lessen symptoms if you catch a cold with travel.
3. Elderberry use daily during cold and flu season as prevention.
PERSONAL TIP: My family has done this for the past few years and we have not had a diagnosis of flu in 3 years,
My personal disclaimer-I am a medical provider so I of course 100% believe in the flu shot and it is mandatory that I have it to protect my patients, However, I personally would prefer not to use tamiflu in myself or my children unless we have contracted a severe strain of flu, so this is our preventative/remedy during flu season.
This is really a question BETTER suited for an herbalist or a naturopath, but for me personally…..I take 1 tablespoon a day as an adult and give half of this to my kids. During illness, I double or triple this amount. I would not recommend elderberry use while pregnant or breastfeeding. I would not recommend in children or folks with autoimmune diseases to use it for more than 10 days. Elderberry fruit extract is thought to be POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth (tablespoon) for up to 12 weeks. And it’s really not known if taking elderberry fruit extract is safe when used for longer periods of time as its not approved by the FDA. Elderberry is thought to be POSSIBLY UNSAFE when the leaves, stems, unripe fruit, or uncooked fruit is eaten. The cooked elderberry fruit seems to be safe, but if ingested raw or when unripe fruit could cause nausea, vomiting, or severe diarrhea.
I will happily share my local resource with you! Or try this recipe from allrecipes.com, if you dare try to make your own!
Stay well friends!
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WORD UP: Any and all advice given here, should be taken as a mom sharing advice to other moms. While I am a Nurse Practitioner, I am not your provider and this does not substitute checking in with YOUR own personal provider for clearance.
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