Your little one has been diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus! Now what? RSV quite simply is a horrible cold. The detrimental part of it, is the mucus a child builds up as a result of it. The lungs fill with mucus, the nose fills with mucus, everything is just full of mucus! And, the mucus is thick and for our little ones that don’t know how to blow their nose yet….it’s quite difficult to clear.
So, step 1… suction! Squirt a little nasal saline into the nostrils; often this alone will help the mucus drain right out. I like the little remedies brand. But any brand will do! Clearing your baby’s airway is the most important job over the next week or 2. If you haven’t purchased a nasal frida, I would get one of those today! Purchase it on amazon and it will be here in 2 days! This little tool is amazing at getting all the snot out! The tool looks as if you’ll be getting a mouthful of snot but I promise, no snot has made it into the tubing, or my mouth yet!

Step 2…. moist, humidified air! The more humidity in the room the less dry their secretions become. Which means….you guessed it! It’s easier to clear out the secretions because they are moist!
Step 4. Hydration! Hydration! Hydration! What this means is your little guy/gal are going to need to be given fluids more frequently and smaller portions. Babies under 2 prefer to breathe through their nose, which means when it’s stuffed up it makes eating quite difficult! So suction, feed, suction, feed!
Step 5….And use this with caution as oils can be neurotoxic if used in the wrong dosage or ingested. Oils are great for treating symptoms but are not a cure to any ailment. A nice remedy is to rub some highly diluted essential oils onto babies feet to help the secretions break up. I use fractionated coconut oil to dilute my oils and only 1 drop of deep breathe from Rocky Mountain oils On my infant.

Watch for signs of respiratory distress-
- Blue around the mouth
- Using belly to breathe
- Grunting
Please go to your local emergency department if any of these occur.

Lastly: follow the advice of your families doctor! Don’t wait until the last moment to be seen. Sometimes breathing treatments and hospitalization are just a necessary evil of this virus!
How to avoid RSV-
Avoid exposure to those diagnosed with RSV
Wash your hands frequently
Breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months (or more) helps if your able to!