(Bottom-Line Up-Front, Folks)
Coronavirus continues to spread rampantly, and with it, the worldwide anxiety. Some people have proclaimed that the World AS WE KNOW IT, is ending. Others think we are in a biological warfare threat. Some think that the recent trade wars have brought spite & corruption, in order to crumble the financial system of the world.
Regardless, of HOW we got here. WE are HERE. NOW it is the time to STOP the Spread.
-China was in a quarantined lock-down for 48+ days.
-Italy has been on lock-down for 13+ days
-Spain has been on lock-down for 10+ days.
When you first heard of this virus potentially migrating from China, you likely thought to yourself (along with most of the world’s population),
“This is just another virus similar to the flu.” “Why all the overreaction?”
“We’ll all be fine.” “Poor China, that will never happen here.”
Then as it began spreading into other countries rampantly, you probably even thought, “I’ll just wash my hands more, I’m not over 60, I do not have a lung disease, and I am not immune-compromised.”
“I am just going to eat healthier for the next few months to build up my immune system, exercise more, drink more water to keep my lungs functioning at their best, and lastly I’ll add some vitamins and probiotics into my diet.” “I’ll be fine! I never get sick. I’m not cancelling my flights or stopping my trips.”
Admittedly, while I have researched and followed this virus’ progression; I too thought the same things. It is much easier to assume that all will end well, than it is to expect a worldwide pandemic to actually occur over night.
BUT-This is how we left Each other Susceptible.
You have watched as some have purchased more than their fair share, and some have even stolen gloves, masks, and toilet paper from each other. These small decisions, have left a certain population now as the most critical group; at risk of contracting the most severe cases of Covid-19.
Who are they?
YOUR HEALTHCARE WORKERS for starters. These people who are not ‘old’, in fact their ages range between 20-70 years old. Healthy men and women who have young families depending on their return home today. As healthcare workers are exposed over and over again to the virus, causing their viral loads to rise they will then become sick from a limited supply of personal protective equipment (PPE), Therefore, causing them to be some of the most vulnerable people to contract the most severe cases of this illness. Once this happens, the elderly will become sicker, along with the rest of the population. It’s truly a vicious cycle.
A mask sewn from cloth may help for a small moment. But it is definitely not the answer for a healthcare provider. If it was, don’t you think that hand-sewn masks would be issued to every healthcare worker in the World? So they could bring it home daily to wash with their normal uniform…..
But, truly the women making these to help out are amazing!

Who Else is Most at Risk?
Your loved ones with their preexisting conditions, diabetics, heart patients, chronic lung disease, cancer, the elderly, etc.
And new reports are surfacing, that pregnant women are experiencing preterm labor. Possibly the stress of the hypoxia associated with the Covid pneumonia causes this, but it is too early to be definitive. If you’re pregnant you are in the high-risk category. Infants have been born with it as well. Perhaps it was passed to the baby during delivery. There just isn’t enough information yet.
*******I want to note that if you think you’re young and healthy and will be fine, you probably will be! Youth is ever in your favor here. You have young healthy lungs that can handle all of the congestion coming your way. However, you can be part of the mission to stop the spread of this thing by using proper hand hygiene. But why chance it? Really? ********
What will my symptoms be?
Once you catch the virus, if you’re lucky to be young and healthy and boasting a good immune system, you’re looking at 2-8 days of a dry sore throat that will lead to a severe, dry cough that can potentially form into a pneumonia along with some high fevers and thick chest congestion.
Around day 6 you may begin having some shortness of breath. You might even feel like your “drowning” in the fluid. It is important to seek care immediately if you begin to feel like this.
It is better to remain calm and think positive in the days ahead. Most cases will be very mildly ill, while some others will become very, very sick.
It is important to develop a plan of getting to a hospital if necessary. First of all, if you have any respiratory symptoms at all. SELF QUARANTINE, then CALL your doctor’s triage line and let them know you have respiratory symptoms. Let them decide if they want to see you, this will help limit the spread. Many clinics have moved to a tele-health system.
Shockingly, children (non-immunocompromised children) are faring extremely well in this virus! There have been no reported deaths in small children YET! However, this is no guarantee that children are not going to become very sick. Cases vary.
First and foremost, it’s important to remember that none of us have antibodies against this virus because it is a novel (new) strain of a coronavirus. Secondly, the only time we’ve ever prevented the spread of a virus historically is from the invention of vaccines, there is no vaccine YET.
- Drink extra water. Because you want your throat to be moist always.
- Exercise Daily.
- Eat well
- Wash Your hands
- Cover your coughs, sneezes, etc.
- Add Vitamin D, probiotic, multivitamin daily
- At the very least, Stay away from others by 6 feet, especially large gatherings
- STAY at HOME. <<<<<<<<<<<<MOST IMPORTANT
Stock up before Lockup
- Saline spray to keep your nasal passages moist
- Throat lozenges for comfort for the sore throat
- Mucinex aka guaifenesin (Reports do vary that this is a dry cough, but with lots of productive sputum….so this is debatable.)
- acetaminophen for the fever (Reports are out that NSAIDs are actually worsening the virus due to delayed production of antibodies (Aleve, Motrin, naproxen, etc.) so no anti-inflammatory.
- Water to keep your body well hydrated
- Sports electrolytes (Gatorade) to stay nourished
- Canned items in case you’re quarantined FOR 14 days
- Frozen items to last for 14 days (not the end times. 14 days)
- Download some movies or buy a DVD player
- Board games, outdoor water games (i.e, squirt guns, water balloons, sand)
- Easter baskets stocked and prepared
- Birthday presents/cake mix
- Arts & Crafts
- Gas in your car

Mandatory Quarantine…..is this REALLY necessary?
Yes, children are said to be silent carriers of this illness. Children live in a constant state of respiratory illness. There is no way to know who has it and who does not. So the best prevention is truly isolation. Many of us fit the criteria for potentially having that very mild case of COVID 19, and spreading it.
If this the virus continues to spike uncontrollably, hospitals will not have the necessary resources to treat everyone. So It’s important for us at risk of the mild virus to stay inside so that those who really need the medical attention will be able to get it.
Taiwan did a self quarantine and I encourage you to look at their statistics versus South Korea, Italy & Spain.
Why can’t we all just get tested?
If you are asymptomatic there is no reason to go out and expose yourself to the virus. If you are symptomatic but handling it well, there is no reason to go expose others to it. Again, Resources are limited and should not be used just out of curiosity.
How to disinfect against it:
The virus is NOT resistant to Heat. Wash everything in HOT water if you’ve been outside your home confines. Normal laundry detergent will do. For HEAVY things like car seat cloth that does not require daily washing, you can put it under the sun to kill the virus.
What am I supposed to tell my kids about this quarantine? I don’t want to scare them.
Kids want to understand as well. So, teach them! This virus is a historical event! It is affecting them just as much as it is affecting you! Do not be afraid to explain life to your kids. They will open up and share more if you just give them the bottom line up front (BLUF).
Teach the kids the importance of washing their hands every day and covering their coughs more than ever before. See my post here how to get kids washing
Why is this virus so different from the other Coronaviruses?
Everyone says that these already exist, and that they are just a simple cold. First of all, all viruses replicate and mutate over time. Its true, coronaviruses are typically more consistent however this particular strain is shockingly a rather large virus! This allows the droplets leaving an infected person to travel further. It is also living on surfaces for a rather long period of time, reportedly at least 12 hours; particularly plastic, metal, cloth, etc.
Is it really airborne?
Many reports of it actually being an airborne virus are circulating. Meaning it can live in the air for up to 3 hours. Not entirely shocking at the rate of transmission.
******This isn’t factual per the CDC, I’ve just seen many reports on it. Enough that I believe there is weight behind it. I’ll let you know if the CDC changes their stance on this. ******
Is it true people are coming in much more ill that are young?
The virus doesn’t discriminate against the young. The young are just doing better than patients in the higher risk categories. The last change I’ve seen is more reports from Italy that younger people are coming in very sick as well, requiring intubation. Perhaps, the virus has gotten stronger or changed (in layman’s terms) viruses are smart and able to do this.
As for the world ending, there is one thing I know to be true. The world will in fact end one day. None of us know when. But I can urge you to seek truth just like you are doing here and now. Perhaps, if we all came together and stopped fighting and began changing the small things life would be different. God wants us to seek him in these times!
As for biological warfare, if this is true, I’m proud to be an American during this time. And, Perhaps the virus was spread out of spite during trade wars, but at the end of the day, may we all love deeply as our days are numbered on Earth. Give generously, because money is short, and for goodness sake, the next time you have the flu, stomach upset, strep throat (bacteria), or any other contagious virus, look back on these days and remember to wash your hands and stay home instead of spreading those germs around.
Great article! I really appreciate the clear and detailed insights you’ve provided on this topic. It’s always refreshing to read content that breaks things down so well, making it easy for readers to grasp even complex ideas. I also found the practical tips you’ve shared to be very helpful. Looking forward to more informative posts like this! Keep up the good work!