Did you know that using a probiotic can REDUCE your need for an antibiotic this cold and flu season? It can especially boost an immune system during a worldwide Pandemic…..
So, What are Probiotics?
As defined by The World Health Organization, probiotics are “living micro-organisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” These easy to take, tiny supplements provide so many numerous benefits to your microbiome because they contain live microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeast, which ACTUALLY support YOUR healthy bacteria!
WHAT? Probiotics are bacteria that literally PROMOTE a happy tummy. A happy tummy has the ability to fight off disease causing bacteria and viruses by stopping them from penetrating the guts lining.
Microbiome? What the heck is that?
You’ve heard about your gut flora, or <cough> other naturally occurring flora in spaces and places like a female’s vagina, right? Well that is the lay term for all the bacteria that are crawling ON and INSIDE of us at all times. The CORRECT term for it is actually microbiota; or in the case of them becoming a community and then focusing mostly on the microbiota from your throat all the way down the inside, to your bottom. They formed an ecological village and are the human microbiome……
Because, yes I just said that the bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc living ON and IN you….. have ACTUALLY formed a village and are now the “human microbiome”.

Okay, so we’re COVERED in bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. and they have formed a little Community called the Microbiome. If I am covered by them why is taking a probiotic full of MORE of these little guys, helpful exactly?
Modern day medicine has shifted so dramatically!
Was your little one born via C-Section? Were you unable to breast feed? Or do you feel like they are ALWAYS on an antibiotic? Do you have a picky eater that just won’t eat any healthy options?
All of these are some of the reasons we need to give them a daily probiotic supplementation.
Benefits of a daily Probiotic
- Realign good gut bacteria
- Help prevent and treat certain digestive disorders such as constipation & diarrhea.
- Boosts your immune system!
- Helps with some mental & behavioral health conditions
- Reduces allergies and skin condition’s.

How to Take Probiotics
- Avoid Probiotics with Prebiotics: Prebiotics can feed the bacteria in your intestines, creating an overgrowth of unhealthy (bad) bacteria.
- Avoid Probiotics with Additives: Likewise, these additives can feed the bad bacteria in your gut. Avoid additives (such as lactose, starches, and soy).
- Start Small! Most probiotics have billions of flora per capsule. You will need to open the capsule in order to take the partial dose. If you tolerate the probiotic, gradually increase to the full dosage (side effects are often temporary but include gas, bloating, diarrhea).
- Work Your Way UP! Once you’re sure you or your child’s gut is handling the probiotic well, slowly increase the dosage especially if you fall into the category of non breastfed, c-section, or often on an antibiotic.
- If you have reactions to the probiotic, stop taking it: Reactions are often in the first few hours after taking the probiotic
- Time your probiotics right: with meals or without is debated, but what is agreed upon is taking them at the same time-frame daily.
TAKEAWAY–Our microbiome is simply lacking the appropriate amount of bacteria to keep us in a healthy daily baseline. Get your family on one soon!
Do you use a probiotic? This is my families favorite BRAND!
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